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The Top 5 Resolutions almost everyone makes and why. Set a new way of keeping  your resolutions this year.


Top 5 

Are these on your list?

My Resoulutions

Khloe Gadson


Lose Weight

The EVER so pupular - Lose Weight/Get Fit/Get Healthy - is on the top of everyone's list almost every year. Why? Like everything else, people need a start date to start something.


Read all of our FITNESS * HEALTH articles here.                                        

You've been putting off long enough cleaning that garage - now is the time that most of us get serious! Even before spring cleaning, people will usually declutter and organize for the New Year.

We've put together an amazing CALENDAR for an easy way to get clean and organized for the whole year that you add to your home binder.


Organize. Clean.

Try Something New

Some people need drastic changes to feel as though they have accomplished the "NEW YEAR, NEW ME!" So they'll often change their hairstyle, do something they've never done before like bungee jumping or sky diving or take dancing classes. 


Help Others

Get a Makeover

My resolution is always to make NO RESOLUTIONS<. What i mean by that is you should not wait until a certain "date" to change something or work on a goal you've always wanted to work on.  It starts now...




Instead of making resolutions, why not start a 2014 Bucket List? Donna Frasco of Decorating by Donna suggests adding things to the list that you DON'T think are reachable - giving you a better challenge at wanting to reach them and crossng them off the lst. Read her 2014 Bucket list here. 


My 2014 Bucket List 


1. To have 1,000 Subscribers for my YouTube Channel! Have these subscribers join my forum and comment, ask questions and suggest topics for us to film. Join us! 


2.  Continue to grow my brand - Touched and work on branding every day. 


3. Become a website of design ideas, information and inspiration for every part of life. 


4. Continue to work on business plan so I can open my physical store which will have all of our unique home decor store items that we currently sell on this site. To check out our collection, click SHOP.


5. Start a Design Trade Program for all of my fellow interior designers who wish to use our home decor pieces in their design plan. 


This post Powerd by The





People tend to count their blessings in a new year so its no wonder, this is almost always on a resolution list. And its a great one!! 


Fulfill your resolution by joining our Pay it Forward campaign here



Click the image to download cal.

Need the password? It's in your Touched newsletter.

With the new year, comes new changes! We want the change to be noticeable so pople will ofen change their look. The Plain jane's will suddenly change their haircolor and wear contacts and the grunge types will suddently go feminied. 


Whatever the look always remember that inner beauty us more important. 

Read our beauty tips here. 


What's on your 2014 Bucket List?



Read my personal blog:

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