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Christy Herring


After setting out to empower women, Christy Herring found that she too would be enlightened.

Christy Herring, The Divaz Network 




Recently, I have been conducting monthly meetups with women and discussing different topics of empowerment. Through this journey of empowering others, I have grown too. Using the power of solidarity from these women, I continue to learn about what I want, need and what I will and will not accept.


When I first set out on this mission to empower women, I had been moved by another woman and her journey to enlighten, empower and uplift woman of all ages. She touched my soul, my heart and my mind with her ability to see I was BETTER THAN THIS LIFE I WAS IN….  I had more to give and was just spending my days going through the motions, instead of living and rejoicing in my POWER. We spoke of our pasts and how we lived a similar life and how with just a few moments of change, she began to truly live again! I wanted that and I wanted to give that same message to others. I wanted to give the gift of life, love and self understanding to women just like ME!


So, when I decided I would open up to these “strangers” that would later become woman of empowerment, I gave them my story! I told them of a life of happiness, joy, heartbreak, betrayal and caddy-ness. How we as woman tend to LOVE so HARD, that we forget to love US first! We focus all our energy on everyone else and we allow others to consume us, GOOD and BAD! For me, it was learning to move past the hurt, deception, games… it was living for me! And when I learned to live for me, all other things were choices I would make because I could. Because at the end of the day, no one else’s opinions mattered because I was no longer living to please them or anyone else but me! That may sound selfish and I agree that it is, but I spent my whole life living selflessly that I neglected the one person whom I am tied to for life…ME!

When the topic of “DECISIONS” came about, I opened up the forum to allow these women to question their own decisions. I had each woman anonymously, if they so chose, to write down a questions based on a decision that they have made or need to make. It didn’t surprise me when so many of these woman asked the same questions! So many of them had been in LONG TERM relationships and wanted to know when it was time to “leave” in a “BAD” relationship? We talked in length about holding on, letting go, timing, feelings and the “AHA” moment of… “ENOUGH”!


Not the moment when you have had enough.. but more the moment of ” I AM ENOUGH” because it is in that moment that you can move forward and learn to truly let go. I am still learning to let go, it is a process that seems endless but that’s what happens when your heart talks to your head! You have to go through the motions of bargaining with your heart and teaching it that sometimes LOVE just isn’t enough! It takes so much more than saying, “I Love You” , to change circumstance. It takes an avid will to change and move forward and leave the past behind. These women were all experiencing the same thing, they all wanted to be loved and by the one person who wasn’t loving them “RIGHT”. I gave no one the advise to leave, I gave them the advise to choose. Most of us just need to hear that it’s ok to chose to be selfish… because sometimes being selfish is just what you need to open your heart to love the right person selfishly again!

We all talk about change, love, money, careers, DECISIONS…DECISIONS… but we need to play an active role in our lives for those things to come to fruition! We need to live a life worth saving! Because it is without this that we lose. So, remember that moment, the one where you got your “AHA”.

My moment came at just the right time! And it is a work in progress! But what I know without a doubt in my mind is.. I am BETTER than YOU! I am BETTER than THIS… and Holding on wasn’t about YOU… It was about something BIGGER than you…

It was about finding my                            moment. 

"Not the moment when you have had enough, but more the moment of "I am Enough" because it  is in that moment that you can move forward and learn to truly let go." 


Share your "AHA" moment with us in the comments below!


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